Point Verde Lighthouse

If you’re looking for a lighthouse on the island with a post-apocalyptic aesthetic, then perhaps the Point Verde tower may interest you. This lighthouse has been reconstructed 3-4 times since the original was built in 1879 and I’m thinking the strong winds and waves of Newfoundland may be the culprit for this simplistic iron tower that stands today.

The original lighthouse at Point Verde was a rectangular, wooden, two-story dwelling with a cement foundation. A square tower for the light room rose above the roof and it held a sixth-order lens with a focal plane of 30 metres. This lighthouse helped guide many boats in and out of Placentia Bay during this time. Unfortunately, after only a couple of years, the lighthouse showed signs of damage (rotting wood) and needed repairs. This was an early sign that a wooden tower would not last here in Point Verde, Newfoundland.

The tower was reconstructed in 1920 and again sometime during the 1930s using wood and iron supports. By 1975, the decision was made to reconstruct again but this time using fiberglass and building a cylindrical tower instead. This fiberglass tower seems to have lasted until 1990 when the present day tower was erected at Point Verde, which appears to be almost entirely made of iron; (the light room could be fiberglass from the previous but I am unsure of this). I’m thinking this iron tower will be able to withstand Newfoundland’s harsh coast for quite some time ahead.

One of the biggest issues for a lighthouse being located here at Point Verde is the eroding coastline (besides the harsh winds and waves). If you take a walk along the grassy fields around the lighthouse and peep down towards the coastline, you can see the damage done to the hillside. There’s plenty of grass to keep to coastline in-tact but I do fear that overtime this area may get washed out. There aren’t any trees or root systems to hold it all together and there’s a dig site of some sort very close to the lighthouse area.

It was another chilly day to be lighthouse exploring but the view from the Point Verde lighthouse was worth it. There’s a freshness in the air all along the coast here in Newfoundland and having a moment to be by the sea, take it all in, and find that peace… it’s wonderful.

Until next time…

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