Autumn Adventure


As the season starts to change and the weather cools down, I find myself spending more and more time inside. It makes sense, but as someone who NEEDS to be outside in nature, this can cause problems.

I start to feel lazy, unmotivated, and internally cluttered. Going for a walk and spending a couple of hours in the forest fills me with so much peace and happiness. It’s like a release, or a ‘welcome home’ feeling. I’m sure other nature-lovers out there know what I mean.

Since I had today off from work, I decided that a little autumn adventure would do me some good. So, I bundled up, grabbed my camera, and made my way to the nearest forest area.

Wandering around amongst the trees during this time of year is such a treat. There’s so much colour! The leaves are vibrantly red, orange, and yellow. Little mushrooms are hiding in the shadows of the trees. Acorns and pine cones coat the forest floor. It’s absolutely wonderful to be able to enjoy these natural delights and enjoy the peaceful tones of the forest.

I gathered some little treasures during my wanderings today in an attempt to capture the essence of autumn. I was going to take these gems home with me, but decided to leave them for the forest fairies instead. Toward the end of my walk I saw a stump that made for a perfect display for my treasures.

I felt so much better after that adventure. However, now I have a chill in my bones from being outside in the cold!


Until next time…

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