Good Morning, Naples!

Who wants to spend the morning near a volcano? I do! Mount Vesuvius is actually the first volcano I’ve ever seen in-person, which is something I can check-off my bucket list now. Woop woop!


Before heading to Pompeii after lunch, I enjoyed a little morning visit in Naples. The sun was beaming, the sky was a beautiful blue, and I was feeling fantastic (despite the lack of sleep!).

I decided to try and head uphill to get a better view of Mount Vesuvius and the shoreline. So, I eventually ended up on the street “Corso Vittorio Emanuele” and found it to be the perfect spot for some photos!

There were a few sites I had hoped to see in Naples that I didn’t have time for: The National Archaeological Museum (ancient mosaics!!), Castel Nuovo (I’ve always wanted to see a medieval castle),  and Cimitero Delle Fontanelle (cemetery with caves that have skulls and bones in them). However, since I only had a couple of hours in Naples, I could only make time to enjoy the narrow streets and the landscape with Mount Vesuvius in the distance.

If I had my time back, I would have definitely changed my plans so that I had a full day to explore Naples (maybe even two or three days). Oh well! One more reason to return to Italy someday!

Here’s a video I recorded during the train ride from Rome to Naples. The landscape is so stunningly beautiful! I hope you enjoy:

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